
NavigationView not working on Blazor target

Avabin opened this issue · 0 comments

I've found an issue trying to use NavigationView in my Avalonia UI project.

Steps taken:

  1. Create new crossplatform Avalonia project on .Net 6 from template
  2. Change crossplatform lib to netstandard 2.1 to install Aura.UI
  3. Install Aura.UI as in README.MD
  4. Add NavigationView to MainView.axaml
  5. Run Blazor target in debug

What should happen:
Web app is loaded and NavigationView is displayed.

What happens:
With new project, error is Uncaught RuntimeError: table index is out of bounds .
On my more complex project I've got shader compilation error , Uncaught error: unreachable, memory out of bounds
basically at random.