
Register wont work

Closed this issue · 9 comments


Please make sure your issue complies with these guidelines:

    • Be using PMMP
    • Make sure the issue hasn't already been reported
    • Make sure you are on the latest version of PMMP & PiggyAuth
    • Have a detailed title like "Players are being kicked randomly"
    • Provide any crash dumps or errors


Server Software:


Version of PiggyAuth:

Data Provider:

  • MySQL
  • SQLite
  • YAML
  • JSON

Steps to Reproduce the Issue

  1. Try to Register

Extra Information

[Server thread/CRITICAL]: Could not pass event 'pocketmine\event\player\PlayerCommandPreprocessEvent' to 'PiggyAuth v3.0.0.20': Uninitialized string offset: 1 on PiggyAuth\EventListener

[Server thread/CRITICAL]: ErrorException: "Uninitialized string offset: 1" (EXCEPTION) in "plugins/PiggyAuth-master/src/PiggyAuth/EventListener" at line 233 --

do ./register password password none
you can type none in place of email . email dont work .idk why

Because the "else" (https://github.com/DaPigGuy/PiggyAuth/blob/8404e1fda18e1d727de93d4d0cd3e728ee01884a/src/PiggyAuth/Commands/PreregisterCommand.php#L48) is not needed.
If the user enters no email then the argument is automatically set to "none", because of the "else" the rest of the code will not be executed, but should!

Actually I started using it on my main server and having lots of problems!!

@SleepSpace9 Could you create a pr for that? Also, is this really why this issue occurs?

@SalmonDE Sorry, I skimmed a bit too quickly through the issue description and only remembered a previously fixed issue on @AppleMinerHD's server when the player enters no value for email address. Sadly I didn't have much time so far to create a PR, I was always in a rush and didn't want to use the web editor. 😉

darn, I was planning to fix this. ;(

Email thingy is still not working ..so can you add where players don't have/forced to enter email/"none" coz they are kid's they only know to type /register password password email and it doesn't work .. so they just have you type /register password password ..it would be awesome

We just did that -_-

What I tested with latest version/commit.. I will try again