
Question: Playlist thumbnail buttons not shown by default in local playlist

Closed this issue · 10 comments


  • I have searched the issue tracker for a feature request that matches the one I want to file, without success.
  • I have searched the documentation for information that matches the description of the feature request I want to file, without success.

Problem Description

I'm not sure anymore but i thought that we implemented to show the buttons on thumbnails by default if you are in your local playlist


Proposed Solution

Make them visible again by default if you are in your local playlist?

I can remember we discussed this somewhere but cant find it

Alternatives Considered


Issue Labels

ease of use improvement

Additional Information

No response

You said OK in
#20 (comment)

I think we can just have reorder buttons and trash buttons visible on hover in playlist view (for user playlists)

LOL SMH i clearly didnt read the visible on hover part. Umm yeah so... IMO it would be logical to show the buttons by default instead of hover in the playlist view. The reason i asked for the add to playlist button to be there on hover is because there were so many people in the main repo complaining about it (which i do kind of understand, i doesnt look that "clean") but in the playlist view i think the user wants to see everything they can do in a glance instead of figuring out that u need to hover to interact with the playlist.

Add to playlist button still only visible on hover


Problem is that to make it visible on focus, there must be another another element to be focused on before that plus button
Either we move it the end (which is weird) or make something focusable in the front (which is always visible)

I tried making thumbnailLink focusable (tabindex was -1) and it works
But it doesn't have to be that element
Though I have no idea what to pick

Try it in 6c5b30f

Wrong thread for last 3 replies LOL

Would like the add to playlist button (+) also to be visible by default in the playlist view.

Done in 1700624