
Add testing for victory conditions

Pilipo opened this issue · 0 comments

In a battle situation, the party that loses the ability to efficiently resist must immediately surrender. It’s better to lose your position and Uranium than the station, your life and the ability to pay off to us your debts.

A player wins the game if the opponent can’t deal any damage to the player’s station, regardless of how many moves he makes .If neither player can deal damage the game is considered a draw.

The analytical department of Klondike Industries researched many possible situations in which two Septikon stations battle each other and put together a list of the most probable victory outcomes:

  1. The opponent loses all of his Clones and can’t make a move.
  2. The opponent loses access to all resources and has no ammo left.
  3. The opponent loses access to the battle zone and can’t restore it.
  4. The opponent loses access to the production zone, can’t restore it and all of his resources are exhausted.
  5. The opponent loses all of his Gunners and can’t produce new ones.

More complex situations are simply composites of these five scenarios. For example, some warehouses may become inaccessible because of damage taken, while others are empty, and the opponent’s Clones can’t make their way to the required squares