
Publish on Spark packages

Opened this issue · 4 comments

Do you need help to publish this great add-on to maven central and have it available as a spark package?

Sure thing. Can you do it or sharing me kind of howto doc?

I have done it for an oss project of my company:
The relevant parts are from here on: and on the travis build file:
Tonight I cannot give you more than just pointers, tomorrow I'll have a deeper look and help you set up the whole thing :) the most difficult part is to obtain an account at sonatype. You can start creating your key (that will be used to sign the artefacts) and contact sonatype to have a namespace:

Sorry I misunderstand your point. I was thought to publish to, is that good enough?

I think that publishing on spark-packages only gives a bit of visibility to the project but does not help the users at all. In order to be used as easy as possible, it should be published on maven central repository. So that people won't need to build it locally.