
TypeError: this._hass.states[id] is undefined

wlk opened this issue · 2 comments

wlk commented

Following error happens after adding MPK cards and I go into "Configure UI" section:

TypeError: this._hass.states[id] is undefinedhtml-card.js:77:21
    render html-card.js:77
    forEach self-hosted:266
    render html-card.js:66
    set hass html-card.js:16
    value hui-view.ts:61
    value hui-view.ts:334
    value hui-view.ts:68
    r fire_event.ts:76
    va create-card-element.ts:111

MPK card configuration (rozkladzik and impk):

      - content: |
          [[ sensor.rozkladzik_wroclaw_1972.attributes.html ]]
          [[ binary_sensor.impk_news.attributes.html ]]
        title: MPK
        type: 'custom:html-card'

When viewed in regular view mode (not UI editor), the card doesn't render at all - everything else is OK
When viewed in "UI Editor mode", this error prevents Lovelace from displaying any cards.
After removing widget everything works OK.

wlk commented

Error probably appears because https://www.rozkladzik.pl/ is not responding for me:

w@desktop ~ $ curl https://www.rozkladzik.pl/
curl: (7) Failed to connect to www.rozkladzik.pl port 443: Connection refused

Integration for Rozkładzik is currently broken, you can follow this issue: