
Color themes are too weak for real-world applications

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I strongly believe the themes showcased on the main website are far too usable for any sane user.
Aside from the fact they somewhat accomplish their intended tasks, I believe it could be further refined by taking in our elders' knowledge in UI design.


As an example, let's take the universally beloved WinForms interfaces with the "Pink Sauce induced Botulism" theme.
By simply looking at the example provided below, you can instantly notice the eye searing pain of that deep pink color burning itself into your retinas.

Once you start using similar themes, your productivity is quintupled by that newly creating feeling of urgency to get off your workstation while not getting yelled at for not meeting deadlines.
How has it not become an industry standard in high-expectations industries is still a mystery.


Alternatively, if you're not convinced by my previous example and arguments, we can take a look at this relic from the Mesopotamian era showcasing a "Proto UTI infection discharge" theme.

The image speaks for itself, you can feel the corneal dystrophia settling in instantly.

At this point we can no longer talk about an urge to get away from it, it just becomes visceral reaction that triggers some form of fight-or-flight instinct our elders knew how to tap into.
Any worker invested in their work should be able to handle that reaction and use it to their advantage, and I wholeheartedly believe Pissandshittium should provide people with that long forgotten ability.


i would've done that if i know which function out of millions i have to change to allow such beauty