
Add Cargo.png to all repositories with dependencies

bvssvni opened this issue · 6 comments

See #643 for how to generate dot files.

  • Generate "Cargo.dot" for all repositories with dependencies
  • Generate "Cargo.png" from all dot files
  • Add ![dependencies](./Cargo.png) to all READMEs with title "Dependencies"
  • hematite
  • sprite
  • event
  • ai_behavior
  • rust-graphics-lab
  • graphics
  • gfx_voxel
  • cam
  • conrod
  • asset_store
  • sdl2_window
  • opengl_graphics
  • gfx_graphics
  • rust-dsp
  • glfw_window
  • texture-packer

This could be done automatically by our Travis-Ci builds.

@TyOverby where would it be put?

I was thinking that Travis-Ci could automatically generate the dot-files, and then upload them to some server like we do with rust-ci.

It would require that server, but we'd never need to worry about updating them ever again.

@TyOverby yeah the server aspect was what I was asking about.

The most reasonable approach to me seems like submitting a PR to rust-ci to add this functionality.
This way, the infrastructure it already in-place and the only thing needing to be changed is the rust-ci project itself.

The only remaining is asset_store, due to some confusion around the README file.
