
active dev?

Closed this issue · 1 comments


just wondering if this is still active at all?

only because I have stumbled across this and it looks awesome!

only thing is I have tried to get it to work and it seems to be slightly difficult, tried to read through as much of the issues as i can but you can only imagine how painful that is haha not to mention im only a newb (yuk) so I am still learning a lot!

I was successful in getting the jQuery version working in where you click in an input and the color picker pops up, thats great but not what i wanted really.

what I would REALLY like to get working is the one in the demo that is constantly displayed. The big one on the far left here!.

If i could be shown in a basic way how to display that, I would be massively grateful!

many thanks!

never mind, for those who stuggled this is what i did -

var color_ColorPicker = new (ColorPicker || Colors)({
                customBG: '#00ff00',
                appendTo: document.querySelector('#colorPickerID')
