
Can't change default opacity

activestylus opened this issue · 2 comments

For some reason the picker always defaults to 0.5 opacity, even when I disable the option

$('input.colorpicker').colorPicker({ opacity: false, alpha: 1 })

As you can see I tried setting the alpha option but it ALWAYS defaults to 0.5

How do I fix this?

Hi @activestylus ,
it's not easy to understand your problem when I don't see your setup. I need to know what value your input field has or what background color...
But if I have to guess: the option alpha doesn't exist, so it also doesn't do anything but there is opacity that just defines if the opacity slider will be rendered and forceAlpha where you can prevent the alpha to be set when set to false.

forceAlpha was exactly what I needed. Thanks!