
Add more job than threads

Jamesluo1 opened this issue · 1 comments

if much job are added into queue, and now the threads are busy , no thread is waiting the mutex, so if the threads finish the work, it will not be notified again.

If there are more jobs waiting in the queue, the semaphore value should be always 1.

static void jobqueue_push(jobqueue *jobqueue_p, struct job *newjob)
    // ...
    bsem_post(jobqueue_p->has_jobs); // set 1 to semaphore value and signal
    // ...

When one of the threads finish the work, it won't wait for a condition variable but continues to pull a job from the queue and execute it. In the meantime, the semaphore value will be set to 1 again.

static void bsem_wait(bsem *bsem_p)
    while (bsem_p->v != 1) // 1. skip
        pthread_cond_wait(&bsem_p->cond, &bsem_p->mutex);
    bsem_p->v = 0; // 2. reset 0 to semaphore value

static struct job * jobqueue_pull(jobqueue *jobqueue_p)
    // ...
    /* more than one job in queue -> post it */
    bsem_post(jobqueue_p->has_jobs); // 3. set 1 again
    // ...