Destroy doesnt work?
kodeine opened this issue · 4 comments
I am trying to make autosuggest work for country/state. Following works, but if i change "#autocomplete-27" from UK to US... it keeps populating the UK (first selected datasource). I tried using the destroy, but it doesnt work. Can anyone please help?
'disabled': 'true',
'data-ajax': '',
// jQuery('#autocomplete-26').bind('change', function()
jQuery('#autocomplete-26').on('keypress change blur', function()
var dataSource = jQuery("#autocomplete-27").attr('data-ajax');
jQuery("#autocomplete-27").attr("data-ajax", function(i, origValue){
var selectedValue = jQuery("#autocomplete-26").val();
return '' + selectedValue + '.json';
/// this does not work :/
"Doesn't work" is a bit vague - what doesn't work exactly? Do you get an error?
Anyways, I guess the UK suggestions are populating the suggestions cache. You could try the autocompleter with disabled cache. Initialize it with cache: false
. Maybe that helps.
Instead of destroy, i tried jQuery("#autocomplete-27").removeData();
and now it clears the old data.
Secondly, on states input i had to clear the autosuggestion div's, otherwise on country change, if i type US states, it would show that list even though the selected country is UK.
for this i used,
jQuery('#autocomplete-27').on('blur', function()
Thanks for a quick reply.
@kodeine That is not working for me.
Can u help me out....
Unable to clear the old data
A work around I am using is to reinitialize the drop down with an empty array as the source when I want to clear the contents, and then reinitialize again with the original source when I want the options to show.