Any ideas how to add spinner when search is in progress?
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Any ideas how to add spinner when search is in progress?
mehmetalidumlu commented
Hi @PrestaShark ,
You can use following codes
<div id="search-box-container">
<div class="search-box" id="SBox" style="left: 49px;">
<input id="free-text-search" name="q" autofocus="" type="text" placeholder="Search..." autocomplete="off">
<a class="also setting">
<i id="text-search-loader" class="fa fa-search"></i>
minChars: 3,
delay: 1000,
cache: false,
source: function (term, response) {
$('#text-search-loader').addClass('fa-spinner fa-pulse fa-fw');
url: "demo_test.txt", success: function (result) {
$('#text-search-loader').removeClass('fa-spinner fa-pulse fa-fw');
}, error: function () {
$('#text-search-loader').removeClass('fa-spinner fa-pulse fa-fw');
renderItem: function (item, search) {
return 'Your render item';
onSelect: function (e, term, item) {
You must add FontAwesome 4.7 icon pack your project.
Good luck with
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