
any way to avoid user enter tags (click o key on input)?

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I wanna know if exist a way to avoid the user enter a tag, i have a preloaded tags, and onclick they change their color (for filtering) ,but onclick the input activates, and left edit (with keys, no with click) and enter tags

Custom Code
ed.click(function (e, closest_tag) {
var d, dist = 99999, loc;

            // do not create tag when user selects tags by text selection
            if (window.getSelection && getSelection() != '') return;

            if (o.maxTags && ed.data('tags').length >= o.maxTags) { ed.find('input').blur(); return false; }

            blur_result = true
            $('input:focus', ed).blur();
            if (!blur_result) return false;
            blur_result = true

            // always remove placeholder on click
            $('.placeholder', ed).remove();
            if (closest_tag && closest_tag.length)
                loc = 'before';
            else {
                // calculate tag closest to click position
                $('.tag-editor-tag', ed).each(function () {
                    var tag = $(this), to = tag.offset(), tag_x = to.left, tag_y = to.top;
                    if (e.pageY >= tag_y && e.pageY <= tag_y + tag.height()) {
                        if (e.pageX < tag_x) loc = 'before', d = tag_x - e.pageX;
                        else loc = 'after', d = e.pageX - tag_x - tag.width();
                        if (d < dist) dist = d, closest_tag = tag;
            if (o.allowUserTags) {
                if (loc == 'before') {
                } else if (loc == 'after')
                else // empty editor
            else {
                if (loc == "")
            // return false; //codigo original no permite .click event, este si
            return !(o.allowClickEvent);


$.fn.tagEditor.defaults = {
initialTags: [],
maxTags: 0,
maxLength: 50,
allowClickEvent: false, //allow .click events
allowUserTags: true, //allow (or deny) the click en tag-edit (for insert)
delimiter: ',;',
placeholder: '',
forceLowercase: true,
removeDuplicates: true,
clickDelete: false,
animateDelete: 175,
sortable: true, // jQuery UI sortable
autocomplete: null, // options dict for jQuery UI autocomplete

    // callbacks
    onChange: function () { },
    beforeTagSave: function () { },
    beforeTagDelete: function () { }

} (jQuery));

NOTE: if you create an empty tag-editor , on click (boot new option true) ,this will minimize (but dont let enter tags), like on picture

This is just what I needed, thanks for sharing