
Monolithic debug build failure

BranBro opened this issue · 2 comments

Description of Issue

I'm trying to build debug monolithic version of the library (with python) but it seems that the archive library usd_m is larger than 4GB

LNK1248: image size (100018E4B) exceeds maximum allowable size (FFFFFFFF)

Release monolithic version builds without any issue, although the usd_m lib is almost 3.4GB large.

Steps to Reproduce

python path\to\build_usd.py "installDir" --tests --examples --tutorials --tools --python --usd-imaging --opencolorio --no-openvdb --usdview --alembic --hdf5 --draco-location “path\to\draco” --generator "Visual Studio 17 2022" --cmake-build-args "-D_SILENCE_CXX17_SHARED_PTR_UNIQUE_DEPRECATION_WARNING=ON -D_SILENCE_ALL_CXX17_DEPRECATION_WARNINGS=ON" --ptex --build-variant debug --build-monolithic

System Information (OS, Hardware)

Windows 10
Visual Studio 2022 17.12.3
Microsoft (R) C/C++ Optimizing Compiler Version 19.42.34435 for x64

Package Versions

Latest release ( 9b0c13b)

Assuming that the monolithic build isn't subject to a disadvantageous build setting that causes an unnecessary accumulation of extra link or debug information, there's no silver bullet for this one. If someone were to take it on, it would be necessary to first understand what's in the archive, and then undertake a series of modifications to compile settings, or even partition the library.

Filed as internal issue #USD-10506

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