
SEO optimization

Closed this issue · 10 comments

Currently we use one title for all pages.
We need to make seo better by adding dynamic seo

@ken999999999999999 Many Thanks. Will get started working on this later

  • Relocate 'use client' to react components
  • Store metadata in config/site.ts for easier management
  • Add metadata using generateMetadata
  • Create dynamic metadata content from page params
  • Build sitemap? (I haven't done this before, idk how to do it / if it's necessary, will do some research later)
  • Any other business

Next.js / App Router / Building Your Application / Optimizing / Metadata

Similar websites:
Refer Me

Tentative metadata (please, comment & advice!) :)
I get Chinese version from /components/navigation-menu/base.tsx and try to translate them to English.

Route Title Description
/ Referalah | 海外港人搵 Referral 平台 海外港人搵Referral平台。 A job referral platform for overseas Hongkongers. Connect, refer and get referred to support the Hong Kong community across the globe.
/about 關於本平台 About Us - Referalah 海外搵工好多時都需要人脈,有人推薦先有面試,而外地愈嚟愈多港人,但缺乏相關文化同平台。呢個平台喺俾大家搵翻同聲同氣嘅,無論你係藍領白領,都希望大家互相幫忙。 Finding a job overseas often required connections. People often need referrals to secure an interview. With more Hongkongers moving abroad, they need a platform to shine and stand out. That's where this platform comes in, to connect Hongkongers on the same wavelength, regardless of job nature.
/auth 登入 / 註冊 Sign In / Sign Up - Referalah 透過魔術連結登入或註冊。無須密碼。 Sign in or sign up with magic link. Password is not required.
/contributors 貢獻者名單 Contributor List - Referalah 海外港人搵Referral平台。 A job referral platform for overseas Hongkongers. Connect, refer and get referred to support the Hong Kong community across the globe.
/post/create 貼街招 Stick a job posting - Referalah 你公司請人又想搵香港人?網上睇到份工又想人幫手?係到貼個街招,等人聯絡你。 Is your company hiring and looking for folks from Hong Kong? Stick a job posting here to get contacted.
/post/referee 人搵工 Job searching - Referalah 係到搵有乜人需要幫手。 Lend a helping hand to those who need a referral for a job posting.
/post/referer 工搵人 Job hiring - Referalah 係到搵有乜工搵人推薦。 Look for job postings and get referred.
/privacy-policy 隱私權政策 Private Policy - Referalah 海外港人搵Referral平台。 A job referral platform for overseas Hongkongers. Connect, refer and get referred to support the Hong Kong community across the globe.
/profile/[userUuid] {{ user.username }} 用戶檔案 User Profile - Referalah {{ user.description }}
/referee 受薦人 Referees - Referalah 想搵人材?係到睇下有冇合適嘅人啦! Recommend an amazing talent from Hong Kong to join your company!
/referer 推薦人 Referrers - Referalah 想搵人推薦你入去?係到搵下啦! Meet someone to bring you closer to your dream company!
/terms-and-conditions 條款及細則 Terms and Conditions - Referalah 海外港人搵Referral平台。 A job referral platform for overseas Hongkongers. Connect, refer and get referred to support the Hong Kong community across the globe.
(default) Referalah - 海外港人搵 Referral 平台 海外港人搵Referral平台。 A job referral platform for overseas Hongkongers. Connect, refer and get referred to support the Hong Kong community across the globe.

@511234 人搵工 will be removed

@511234 btw 原來有公司做呢啲野 不過要課金

@511234 工搵人 will be removed

ok! Haven't come back for a few weeks, need to catch up with new code. :-)

@511234 工搵人 will be removed

ok! Haven't come back for a few weeks, need to catch up with new code. :-)

Nvm take your time. Happy coding

Ahh should be 人搵工. 人搵工 already removed sor.

Please add your self into contributors page
