
[Edit Post] Minor issues with the edit post page

Closed this issue · 4 comments



Cannot clear the url when: double click to select all -> backspace


Screenshot 2023-11-05 at 5 23 17 PM Screenshot 2023-11-05 at 5 22 47 PM

Prefer to add a title (e.g.更改街招)on the edit post page so that it is consistent with the create post page

Will do

For the bug,


should related to the useEffect of form.watch
same issue happened to yeo field

after I comment the hook, can simple clear the field,
but not sure is there anything else to consider as it was for the field to be optional

@Pjaijai @tommyttf I tried to remove the hook -> clear the URL field -> submit the form, it works fine and the URL can be cleared in the db. So maybe just remove the hook.

I removed the useEffect
Also default disable pwa in dev mode