
Confusing field name when adding Google tennant

Closed this issue · 3 comments

When configuring a Google Workplace tenant for staff API, the fields differ in naming from the Google terms in use. Current form:


Domain is the PlaceOS domain. The user had to preselect this before choosing 'Add tennant' so this appears to be something that can be passed to this as a hidden element.

Issuer may be better as Client Email.

Signing Key may be better as Private Key (note: positioning of this next to issues in terms of ordering would be useful as these both come from the same source).

Scopes is based on our requirements for integration. These are,, If this is supposed to be user configurable. Pre-populating with these values would be very useful.

Sub is Service User and can be blank.

User Agent can likely be hidden from users. There is a default on the model for this so can be unassigned in the initial create query.

Issuer may be better as Client Email

I think it should Service Account Email as this is the Google terminology

User-Agent should be pre-filled as PlaceOS

Tested & confirmed all as expected.