
E2E Testing Dev > Drivers

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Section: Drivers

  • Scenario: User selects a driver from sidebar

Given that I am on the Drivers page
When I click on the intended Driver name in the sidebar
Then I am taken to that particular Driver's information dashboard with the About tab selected

  • Scenario: User wants to see which Modules the selected Driver is used in

Given that I am on the Driver page
When I click on the modules tab
Then I am taken to a list of Modules and their Systems

  • Scenario: User supplies search term

Given that I am on a Driver's information dashboard in the Modules tab
When I enter the term into the 'Filter Modules...' text box
Then I will get filtered results of Systems in a list under the 'Filter Modules...' text box

  • Scenario: User wants to recompile a driver

Given that I am on the Modules page in the About tab
When I click 'Recompile Driver'

  • I click 'Ok' on the 'Recompile Driver' pop up
    Then the driver will recompile
  • I will get a green toast bar that says 'Successfully recompiled driver'
  • Scenario: User supplies new setting data

Given that I am on the Drivers page in the About tab
When I click on one of the settings tabs and enter the data and click 'Save' or press the S key
Then I will get a green toast bar that says 'Successfully saved __ settings' and the settings for that driver will be saved

  • Scenario: User wants to create a new driver

Given that I am on the Drivers page
When I click on the plus button in the Drivers sidebar

  • enter the name of the repository into the text box
  • enter the drivers name into the 'Search for driver...' text box
  • select a driver from the results
  • select a driver commit
  • enter any other details fro the new driver
  • Click 'Save'
    Then I will get a green toast bar that says 'Successfully added driver' and the driver will be saved