
Pinger placeholder not working.

collinator24 opened this issue · 6 comments

What is the issue? Describe it like you would tell a friend.

The Pinger placeholder is broken, and no longer pings Minecraft servers successfully in 1.14.4, it always shows a player count of 0 or that the server is always offline.

Expected behaviour

What should PlaceholderAPI do?

Show the player count, and show the correct server status.

Actual behaviour

What does PlaceholderAPI actually do?

It always shows a player count of 0 or that the server is always offline.

How to reproduce

What steps did you made, to get this bug?

  1. Download Pinger from ecloud
  2. Try using it in 1.14.4 paper spigot.

Pinger expansion has an update interval which it's value is 30 seconds by default.
Try reduce it or parse the placeholder then wait for 30 seconds then parse it again.

The value can be found inside of the config.yml from PlaceholderAPI

I set it to 3 and no change. Doesn't appear to fix the issue.

Working fine for me?

Are you running 1.14.4 PaperSpigot?

Fixed. Was Not Using Latest Papi Ver.