
AttributeError in webmention handler

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remote: ERROR:asyncio:Task exception was never retrieved
remote: future: <Task finished coro=<Pushl.send_webmention() done, defined at /home/fluffy/.local/share/virtualenvs/> exception=AttributeError("'Target' object has no attribute 'href'")>
remote: Traceback (most recent call last):
remote:   File "/home/fluffy/.local/share/virtualenvs/", line 178, in send_webmention
remote:     await target.send(self, entry)
remote:   File "/home/fluffy/.local/share/virtualenvs/", line 159, in send
remote:     LOGGER.debug("%s -> %s via %s %s", entry.url, self.href,
remote: AttributeError: 'Target' object has no attribute 'href'

I think this was already fixed by 4836b49 but it's worth double-checking.

It still persists in the latest release, and makes no heckin' sense.