
A more advanced /fakeplayer command and maybe /entity?

Closed this issue · 3 comments

This is a feature request
I would really like 2 things:

  1. A more advanced /fakeplayer command
    If you create a fake player, its assigns a id to it (starting with 0).
    If you do "/fakeplayer editor (id)" it opens a GUI where you can customize the fake player. In the GUI there are buttons (to other GUI's) that say things you can edit like:
  • Path
  • Invulnerable
  • Health
  • Facing
  • Effects
  • Can enter portals (Yes/No)
  • Inventory (seperate row for armor, main-hand and off-hand items. Ability to toggle whether players can acces the inventory, restrict acces to inventory for specific players)
  • Owner (Follow Yes/No, Attack other players Yes/No, Attack other mobs Yes/No)
  1. A /entity command
    Simular to the /fakeplayer command (and suggestion) but for entities but with:
  • Ability to change entity type
  • Ability to change properties of that entity (like things mentioned in suggestion 1)

So you basically want the Custom NPCs mod but for newer Minecraft versions? I could do that one but I'd probably make it a standalone mod.

Yeah basically. But since there is already a /fakeplayer command I thought it might fit in

I have decided not to add this as such a mod already exists now.