
Command Suggestions

Opened this issue · 9 comments

Wasn't sure how to add a label for feature requests/ suggestions but here are a few suggestions for this mod!

1: /Motion command, lets the executing entity get motion applied to them in the direction they are facing. /motion 3, would launch the entity in the direction they are facing with a power of 3. Another way to do it would be to add directions, forwards, back, left, right, stop. Stop would stop all motion. Example of motion command with this method would be /motion forwards 1 up 0.3 left .2 @e. This would shoot the entity forwards, slightly up and slightly left from the direction they are facing.

2: /random command, lets you store a random integer between and to a scoreboard or data value. /random store score 1 100 @s or /random store entity -180 180 @e[type=villager] Rotation[0]

3: /replaceitem command. Similar to /item command, but it targets specific items in the players inventory. With the option to target specific items nbt data. For example, /replaceitem bow iron_sword @e would replace every bow in the players inventory with iron swords. Similariry, /replaceitem bow{custommodeldata:1} iron_sword @e would only replace bows with the custom model data of 1 with an iron sword.

4: /raycast lets you target entities or blocks you are executing from and if the statement is true, will either execute at the entity or block. /raycast 40 entity creeper run say hi, would make a creeper within 40 blocks that you are looking at say hi. Or **/raycast 40 block diamond_ore run setblock dirt ~ ~ ~**. Would set dirt on any diamond ore block you look at within 40 blocks when executing the command.

5: Break command that lets you do coordinates instead of just breaking the block you are looking at. /break ~1 ~1 ~1 ~-1 ~-1 ~-1 dirt would break all dirt blocks in a 3x3 space around you.

6: explode command that has different options. 1 which is basic explosion, 2: One where its cosmetic only, doesn't hurt mobs or world damage, 3: One that doesn't do world damage but hurts mobs. 4: One that does world damage but not entity damage

7: Additional scoreboard criteria for keybinds. You can increment scoreboard with right clicks, left clicks or pressing a keyboard key

  1. Good idea
  2. I can add a /random command, however, adding a function to this command to store it in a scoreboard objective is unnecessary because you can use /execute store for that.
  3. I could do that.
  4. I have already added an @tentity selector. Using parameters and /execute, you can achieve the same thing you're aiming for. (E.g. /execute as @t[distance=..40] run say hi)
  5. You can already achieve this with /fill and filling with air.
  6. Don't really see a use to this.
  7. Not entirely certain what you mean by this. You can already bind commands to keys with /bind and surely you can think of a command to increment a scoreboard objective.

1-3: That sounds great!
4: @t is a raycast?
5: /fill with air doesn't show any break particles, and doesn't drop any loot when the block is broken. And using the destroy portion of the command means you can't filter what blocks you specifically want to break.
6: Every map maker would love the ability to control their explosions? That is a huge need. Different strengths, what entities it can damage, etc. For example, adding c4 that damages the world but not players.
7: Thats fair, its just easier to have a scoreboard in a datapack that adds an objective that tracks certain keybinds. Then you execute on their scores, vs setting up numerous functions that just increment scoreboard values.

  1. @t targets the entity you're looking at.
  2. Yes it does if you pass the right parameters (namely passing destroy after the replacement block)
  3. Ye, sure.
  4. Don't think I'll be doing that.

5: Never heard of this being a thing and just tried it and its not a thing? You can't have both replace and destroy parameters in the same command

But also they are all just suggestions! Love the mod and hope to see more come to it :D

You don't pass both replace and destroy, you only pass destroy. E.g.
/fill ~-10 ~-10 ~-10 ~ ~ ~ minecraft:air destroy

Copy and pasting your command shared above in minecraft breaks every single block in a 10x10x10 space.

I'm not looking to destroy all blocks in that 10x10x10 space though. Picture inside a cave, you have mostly stone blocks, but then you have some coal ore and gold ore, I want to run a command that lets you break only the coal ore in that 10x10x10. And replacing air in your command with any other blocks fills that entire 10x10x10 space with the block you chose, but also breaks the blocks that existed there first

Thats why I suggested the break command. /break ~10 ~10 ~10 ~ ~ ~ coal_ore. That would only break coal ore in that 10x10x10 space.

That's fair, you can't do that with the fill command, but you can with WorldEdit. Although I don't think WorldEdit has a feature to destroy and drop blocks, though.

Yea it doesn't! And world edit doesn't let you execute commands out of datapacks which is the main use for a command like this :) Custom maps, datapacks, etc

Sure then, I'll add it.