[BUG] When installing or updating a plugin, content will not be automatically injected into the opened tab page.
duriann opened this issue · 3 comments
duriann commented
What happened?
When installing or updating a plugin, content will not be automatically injected into the opened tab page.
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- I would like to fix this BUG via a PR
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rezamajidi commented
@duriann I also had this problem and currently using this workaround to fix that:
Maybe it helps.
if (details.reason === "install" || details.reason === "update") {
for (const cs of chrome.runtime.getManifest().content_scripts) {
for (const tab of await chrome.tabs.query({ url: cs.matches })) {
if (tab.url.match(/(chrome|chrome-extension):\/\//gi)) {
files: cs.js,
target: { tabId: tab.id, allFrames: cs.all_frames },
injectImmediately: cs.run_at === "document_start"
duriann commented
@duriann I also had this problem and currently using this workaround to fix that: Maybe it helps.
if (details.reason === "install" || details.reason === "update") { for (const cs of chrome.runtime.getManifest().content_scripts) { for (const tab of await chrome.tabs.query({ url: cs.matches })) { if (tab.url.match(/(chrome|chrome-extension):\/\//gi)) { continue } chrome.scripting.executeScript({ files: cs.js, target: { tabId: tab.id, allFrames: cs.all_frames }, injectImmediately: cs.run_at === "document_start" }) } } }
I did the same thing, but the plasmo-csui node will be added repeatedly on the injection page, and the console will keep prompting: Error: Extension context invalidated. This is because the old context is not uninstalled after injection. Do you have any solution?