- Standard : ERC20
- Name : UBCoin
- Ticker : UBC
- Decimals : 18
- Emission : Mintable
- Crowdsales : 2
- Fiat dependency : No
- Tokens locked : Yes
The tokens for the bounty and the team are minted after the ICO is finished.
There is a special function to return 3rd party tokens that were sent by mistake (function retrieveTokens()).
Each stage has a direct minting function in wei. This is made to support the external payment gateways.
- UBCoin - Token contract
- PreICO - PreICO contract
- ICO - ICO contract
- Configurator - contract with main configuration for production
- TeamWallet - wallet for freeze team tokens
To start working with contract you should follow next steps:
- Compile it in Remix with enamble optimization flag and compiler 0.4.18
- Deploy bytecode with MyEtherWallet. Gas 5100000 (actually 5073514).
- Call 'deploy' function on addres from (3). Gas 4000000 (actually 3979551).
Contract manager must call finish after each crowdsale in corresponding contract! To support external mint service manager should specify address by calling setDirectMintAgent. After that specified address can direct mint tokens by calling mintTokensByETHExternal and mintTokensExternal.
To purchase tokens investor should send ETH (more than minimum 0.1 ETH) to corresponding crowdsale contract. Recommended GAS: 250000, GAS PRICE - 21 Gwei.
- MyEtherWallet - https://www.myetherwallet.com/
- Parity
- Mist/Ethereum wallet
EXODUS not support ERC20, but have way to export key into MyEtherWallet - http://support.exodus.io/article/128-how-do-i-receive-unsupported-erc20-tokens
Investor must not use other wallets, coinmarkets or stocks. Can lose money.
- Bounty tokens percent : 4%
- Team tokens percent : 12%
- Reserved tokens : 34%
- For sale tokens percent : 50%
- Bounty tokens wallet : 0xdAA156b6eA6b9737eA20c68Db4040B1182E487B6
- Reserved tokens wallet : 0xE1D1898660469797B22D348Ff67d54643d848295
- Team tokens lock period : 180 days lock, after every 90 days vesting 25%
- Contracts owner : 0xF1f94bAD54C8827C3B53754ad7dAa0FF5DCD527d
- Token - https://etherscan.io/token/0x2d3e7d4870a51b918919e7b851fe19983e4c38d5
- PreICO - https://etherscan.io/address/0xce5dbd884305a5716460dCcFfA63888Fc9BFaa72
- ICO - https://etherscan.io/address/0x8dd9034f7ccc805bdc4d593a01f6a2e2eb94a67a
- TeamWallet - https://etherscan.io/address/0xe564e0a6a545671d29ad690398c9e94a398434b3
- Minimal insvested limit : 50 ETH
- Base price : 1 ETH = 18 667 Tokens
- Hardcap : 21 500 ETH
- Period : 22 days
- Start : 10 Mar 2018 00:00:00 GMT
- Wallet : 0x00EE9d057f66754C7D92550F77Aeb0A87AE34B01
- Minimal insvested limit : 0.01 ETH
- Techincally base price : 1 ETH = 8000 Tokens
- Hardcap : 157 500 ETH
- Start : 02 Apr 2018 00:00:00 GMT
- Wallet : 0x5FB78D8B8f1161731BC80eF93CBcfccc5783356F
- 20 days, 1 ETH = 11 200 Tokens (Technically +40%)
- 20 days, 1 ETH = 10 000 Tokens (Technically +25%)
- 20 days, 1 ETH = 9 600 Tokens (Technically +20%)
- 20 days, 1 ETH = 9 200 Tokens (Technically +15%)
- 20 days, 1 ETH = 8 640 Tokens (Technically +8%)
- 4 days, 1 ETH = 8 000 Tokens
- 20 eth - 50%
- 50 eth - 65%
- 300 eth - 80%
Value bonuses can be changed or disabled
- Token - https://ropsten.etherscan.io/address/0xac29edd683847c4d208008d1ad2797f79feac963
- PreICO - https://ropsten.etherscan.io/address/0x29e998e17f29d96b36a5f1de2c16ad2ca40c3e7e
- ICO - https://ropsten.etherscan.io/address/0x5958e5dc8a4ea282ac40bb6105febc605615f960
- TeamWallet - https://ropsten.etherscan.io/address/0xd7de556303de15e271ca476ee4a2289086051496
- Price : 1 ETH = 33 334 Tokens
- Minimal investment limit : 0.1 ETH
- Hardcap : 3 ETH
- Period : 15 days
- Start : 01 Mar 2018 00:00:00 GMT
- Wallet : 0x8fd94be56237ea9d854b23b78615775121dd1e82
1 ETH => 33,334 tokens, gas = 115181 https://ropsten.etherscan.io/tx/0x9febc6bfac319fce80ce78cccaae553020b68487d3eb7474152d2b5276011c3e
1 ETH => rejected txn, purchaser is not in white list, gas = 22474 https://ropsten.etherscan.io/tx/0x44e05e24785021037faa250caccff1795cd2bbb9ab930936cf2c883912d3a2d9
addToWhiteList, gas = 44009 https://ropsten.etherscan.io/tx/0xc9d092803d1c8872489b697df94f04999d481277d20c5c170cb8b0600ac9b8df
finish, gas = 30307 https://ropsten.etherscan.io/tx/0x1fc599f467ade4ed486b8b51fd0f26dd2227f057180a775b54e06603be3b4ef5
- Price : 1 ETH = 14 286 Tokens
- Minimal investment limit : 0.1 ETH
- Hardcap : 96 000 ETH
- Wallet : 0x8fd94be56237ea9d854b23b78615775121dd1e82
- Start : 01 Mar 2018 00:00:00 GMT
- Bounty tokens percent : 4%
- Team tokens percent : 12%
- Reserved tokens : 34%
- Bounty tokens wallet : 0x470a2D1105EaE6aAe879623357F615Ab9cbf906E
- Reserved tokens wallet : 0x093A89bDb5CE905fecb6272ff3ac92f53350a79A
- 20 days, 1 ETH = 20 000 Tokens (Technically +40%)
- 20 days, 1 ETH = 17 143 Tokens (Technically +20%)
- 20 days, 1 ETH = 14 286 Tokens
- 1 ETH => 20,000.4 tokens (40% bonus), gas = 101088 https://ropsten.etherscan.io/tx/0x65c1e6f84e14d8d1e9124cc112a7edeb167452daec4273ac6dcbad8c1bb97ffa
- finish, gas = 232631 https://ropsten.etherscan.io/tx/0x243342124f04e822369752f759ab48662914e5089473da74ab5251ae9e865b05
- Token - https://ropsten.etherscan.io/address/0x298af0b09ba3db8447cc6db85d0c954f9f981923
- ICO - https://ropsten.etherscan.io/address/0xeb8def19fb098bced3fa133e3ef26f8c525cb036
- TeamWallet - https://ropsten.etherscan.io/address/0x8916ab1114f07fa02bda627a838a0ed8e0b0a241
- Price : 1 ETH = 14 286 Tokens
- Minimal investment limit : 0.1 ETH
- Hardcap : 96 000 ETH
- Wallet : 0x8fd94be56237ea9d854b23b78615775121dd1e82
- Start : 23 Apr 2018 00:00:00 GMT
- Bounty tokens percent : 4%
- Team tokens percent : 12%
- Reserved tokens : 34%
- Bounty tokens wallet : 0x470a2D1105EaE6aAe879623357F615Ab9cbf906E
- Reserved tokens wallet : 0x093A89bDb5CE905fecb6272ff3ac92f53350a79A
- 20 days, 1 ETH = 11 200 Tokens (Technically +40%)
- 20 days, 1 ETH = 10 000 Tokens (Technically +25%)
- 20 days, 1 ETH = 9 600 Tokens (Technically +20%)
- 20 days, 1 ETH = 9 200 Tokens (Technically +15%)
- 20 days, 1 ETH = 8 640 Tokens (Technically +8%)
- 4 days, 1 ETH = 8 000 Tokens
1 ETH => 20,000.4 tokens (40% bonus, milestone 1), gas = 118337 https://ropsten.etherscan.io/tx/0xeb6e6f1c0439a9cd27d9dc55dcbee8d0be4adf93e080d5aaa2bfaaf5fcfb216c
1 ETH => 21,429 tokens (40% + 10% bonus), gas = 75049 https://ropsten.etherscan.io/tx/0xd2b49e917a50e2e096c758d91598687cebabc378d7f9d6855223f884c37927e4
1 ETH => 19,286.1 tokens (25% + 10% bonus, milestone 2), gas = 76472 https://ropsten.etherscan.io/tx/0x2c7947ac2c11ad14e4c4fc6ae7e87b26a831cedcc7da5baf5bdff2c25d6045dc
0.1 ETH => 1,785.75 tokens (25% bonus), gas = 75305 https://ropsten.etherscan.io/tx/0xfb170275e2e90790d3908c4132ffeda34ac025495c2118d64cd9cda4d7d3a8fd
addValueBonus (from 1 eth => 10% bonus), gas = 84508 https://ropsten.etherscan.io/tx/0x84651dcb9693e65752d91ead234e5603c7984137d1f10e3077994d0f014b2a64
setStart (1 Apr 2018 00:00:00 GMT), gas = 28220 https://ropsten.etherscan.io/tx/0x83d01acaa5566be3de42a454f68a0347bab2a82cce726e3305bc9fdcc68f3da4
finish, gas = 247775 https://ropsten.etherscan.io/tx/0xec29ba03ec00dbc9bb9e24bdb389f47dfc327c42dfc98c5efe15e1cb44326ee9