
PlayFabApiTest.js:589 null ", Failed to save test report to CloudScript: " "jbuild_0" "

dylanh724 opened this issue · 3 comments

PlayFabApiTest.js:589 null ", Failed to save test report to CloudScript: " "jbuild_0" "

" "[
        "name": "jbuild_0",
        "tests": 0,
        "failures": 0,
        "errors": 0,
        "skipped": 0,
        "time": 0.003,
        "timestamp": "2016-06-20T05:56:58.185Z",
        "testResults": []

PlayFabApiTest.js:92 testTitleData input file did not parse correctly

Comments in the JSON file seem to be 1/2 the issue (need to add to readme to remove comments when done with json), but still getting this err although it can test something now

That file is our internal testing file, and it's only meant to be run from PlayFabApiTest.html.
You should not be using that file in your project.

Your comment about SSL:
SSL/TLS, PlayFabSdk, and the PlayFabApiTest.js test code are all separate things. For proper security, PlayFab requires that you're running TLS 1.2.

This section describes that the test framework is independent of the SDK:
But I admit, the readme doesn't properly describe how to use the SDK itself. I will try to remedy this.

To address your reported issue specifically, I will need additional information:
Are you are trying to run our test framework? If so, are all the tests passing? Are you trying to set up some kind of automated testing system? Are you running the tests from the provided PlayFabApiTest.html?

Are you trying to build a game project of your own?

What browser are you using? These tests will run correctly in Chrome and Firefox. They are not tested in IE.

As an extra note:
I'm going to close this issue, so if you continue to have difficulty, the best place to get help is on our forums:

This location is for issues with the SDK itself. The forum is better for troubleshooting issues specifically with your project, and you will almost certainly get a faster response there.