
Game crashes after Unity logo in android

karascr opened this issue · 7 comments

Everything works fine on Unity editor and windows build. According to the codes on this page ( But when I try to build for android and run the game, it is crashing after the Unity logo disappears. I am new in Unity game developing, I could not be able to solve the problem. I tried adb logcat but I did not see any error or log messages about crash. When I build the app without "PlayFabMultiplayerManager" prefab, app does not crash. I tried creating brand new project and I have imported only necessary packages for PlayFab Unity Party, result is the same. Including "PlayFabMultiplayerManager" prefab in to the scene crashes game in android device. I have tried android studio emulator, bluestacks emulator and samsung a50 device but problem remains.
My unity verison is Unity 2019.4.3f1 Personal
Playfab editor and packages are up to date according today.
Android target Api version is 30.
I have checked "allow unsafe" option in player settings.
Android SDK & NDK Tools and OpenJDK are installed.

Hi karascr,
Thanks for the detailed info about the issue. Just to clarify, is your PlayFab title enabled for Party feature (Title Settings --> Multiplayer --> Party tab in your PlayFab Development Dashboard portal (

Yes, it is enabled. I have tested this api on windows builds. Everything was fine in windows build, I have tested voice and chat message successfully. But when I try to build and run same project in android, game crashed after Unity logo disappeared.
Btw I enabled Party feature this way (Dashboard -> Multiplayer (left menu) -> Party (top menu)
I could not find this path (Title Settings --> Multiplayer --> Party tab)
Here is a screenshot to clarify

Hi Vicodex,
I have exactly the same problem than karascr on Android.
In my log I can see a Null Ref Exp before the crash.
I'm on Unity 2019.3.15f1.
I have checked "allow unsafe" option in player settings but nothing to allow microphone.

Hi Jorbyland, thanks for letting us know. We are looking into this and will update this thread once we have some results. Stay tuned!

Unity package for pre-release has been updated (please note new date marker 8.14.2020 in its name). Accidentally the previous content of the package did not include a necessary gradle file for Android in Plugins/Android directory. That has been fixed in updated package and should resolve the crash issue on Android app launch.

Thanks, game did not crash and messages recieved successfully.

Nice job, thanks !!