
LightningCSS compression not working

Closed this issue · 4 comments

The shorthand compression of LightningCSS is not working:

.myclass { border-width:0; border-style:solid; border-color:#e5e7eb; }
gets compressed to
It should instead be compressed to
.myclass{border:0 solid #e5e7eb}

Any news on this?
My astro integration config:

  CSS: {
      csso: false,
      lightningcss: {
          minify: true,
  HTML: true,
  Image: true,
  JavaScript: true,
  SVG: true,
  Parser: {
      CSS: 'lightningcss',

It's not released yet, expect in the next version v2.3.0.

Okay. Thanks for the info.

@J05HI Fixed in the latest astro-compress v2.2.24 and @playform/compress v0.0.6 Can you give it a go ?