
Actual package name

Closed this issue · 6 comments

I'm a little confused. I see three similar packages in npm:

Which of these packages should I use? What are the differences? Will the others be deprecated?
And why did the versioning start all over again?

Thank you for your hard work!

They're all the same in terms of functionality and they'll all be maintained. In the future only one package will remain @playform/compress containing all the functionalities for compression in different frameworks Astro, Next, Fresh, etc.. You can use either. :) Maybe some of them will be deprecated (released to free the namespace) but I hope you'll get a notification for that as well.

The versioning started from 0.0.1 as it didn't seem right to start compress-astro from 2.2.19

Thank you!

The namespace for compress-astro has been freed.

Why did you change the pkg name from @playform/compress-astro to just @playform/compress ? It's chaos...

Why did you change the pkg name from @playform/compress-astro to just @playform/compress ? It's chaos...

Because in the future we will support different frameworks, Astro, Next, Fresh, PHP ones etc. and we want to have one package to rule them all not 50.