Errors with version 0.0.38
Opened this issue · 21 comments
I sent you a message via Reddit not sure if it went through but basically just me expressing my willingness to help. here are some of the Errors I am getting with this version.
I am using Powershell to run the program, this is the command line I am using to run it very simple nothing fancy.
./mcpe_viz --db C:/Users/jmcavoy/Desktop/minecraftWorlds/Realm/ --out C:/Users/jmcavoy/Desktop/minecraftWorlds/Output --html-all
Here is a list of the most prevalent errors I am seeing while the program runs.
WARNING: getItemName failed to find id=455 extradata=0 This one I know is the Trident
If I can stop these from showing up I will have better luck finding more I just need to know/figureout the correct syntax.
WARNING: getBlockByUname failed to find uname=minecraft:kelp
WARNING: getBlockByUname failed to find uname=minecraft:seagrass
WARNING: getBlockByUname failed to find uname=minecraft:grass
More Errors:
WARNING: getBlockByUname failed to find uname=minecraft:concretePowder
WARNING: getBlockByUname failed to find uname=minecraft:seaLantern
WARNING: getBlockByUname failed to find uname=minecraft:stripped_jungle_log
WARNING: getItemName failed to find variant id=383 extradata=120
WARNING: getItemName failed to find id=383 extradata=120
WARNING: getBlockName failed to find variant id=144 blockdata=0
WARNING: getBlockName failed to find id=144 blockdata=0
NBT exception: (Invalid tag type: 0) (eof=false) (is=false)
NBT exception: (Invalid tag type: 18) (eof=false) (is=false)
NBT exception: (Invalid tag type: 81) (eof=false) (is=false)
NBT exception: (Invalid tag type: 80) (eof=false) (is=false)
NBT exception: (Invalid tag type: 85) (eof=false) (is=false)
NBT exception: (Invalid tag type: 51) (eof=false) (is=false)
NBT exception: (Invalid tag type: 12) (eof=false) (is=false)
NBT exception: (Invalid tag type: 17) (eof=false) (is=false)
NBT exception: (Invalid tag type: 16) (eof=false) (is=false)
NBT exception: (Invalid tag type: 87) (eof=false) (is=false)
NBT exception: (Invalid tag type: 162) (eof=false) (is=false)
NBT exception: (Invalid tag type: 106) (eof=false) (is=false)
NBT exception: (Invalid tag type: 24) (eof=false) (is=false)
ERROR: Unknown biome 42 0x2d
ERROR: Unknown biome 43 0x2d
ERROR: Unknown biome 44 0x2d
ERROR: Unknown biome 45 0x2d
After all that the program crashes here and throws me back to the prompt
WARNING: getBlockByUname failed to find uname=minecraft:seagrass
WARNING: getBlockByUname failed to find uname=minecraft:seagrass
WARNING: getBlockByUname failed to find uname=minecraft:seagrass
WARNING: getBlockByUname failed to find uname=minecraft:seagrass
WARNING: getBlockByUname failed to find uname=minecraft:grass
Do Output: nether
Generate Image
Generate Biome Image
Generate Grass Image
Generate Height Column Image
Generate Height Column (grayscale) Image
Generate Height Column (alpha) Image
Generate Block Light Image
Generate Sky Light Image
Generate Slime Chunks Image
Generate Shaded Relief Image
Generate full-size slices
Writing all images in one pass
PS C:\Users\jmcavoy\Downloads\mcpe_viz-master\mcpe_viz>
Thanks again for the program, please let me know how I can help
Thanks, I was just about to report similar messages I'm getting with MCPE 1.4. They seem to be related to the new undersea features.
In addition to what was reported, I'm also getting
ERROR: Unknown biome 46 0x2e
ERROR: Unknown biome 47 0x2f
Huh. 0.0.38 is doing something weird for me with "web app filled with all images." It made a 40 GB log file until I stopped it. Filled mostly with this:
NBT exception: (Invalid tag type: 0) (eof=false) (is=false)
The log file was the only file generated. Maybe it has to do with my world size (126 MB). Generating log entries for every water block, perhaps?
I was able to fix the biome error by adding the missing ones to my XML file, see below.
and I got the grass uname to work, but still can't get the seagrass and the kelp ones to stop erroring out. Possibly has to do with the experimental content? I dunno.
<biome id= "0x28" name="sky_island_low" color="0x8b92dd" />
<biome id= "0x29" name="sky_island_medium" color="0x8b92dd" />
<biome id= "0x2A" name="sky_island_high" color="0x8b92dd" />
<biome id= "0x2B" name="sky_island_barren" color="0x8b92dd" />
<biome id= "0x2C" name="warm_ocean" color="0x8b92dd" />
<biome id= "0x2D" name="lukewarm_ocean" color="0x8b92dd" />
<biome id= "0x2E" name="cold_ocean" color="0x8b92dd" />
<biome id= "0x2F" name="warm_deep_ocean" color="0x8b92dd" />
<biome id= "0x30" name="lukewarm_deep_ocean" color="0x8b92dd" />
<biome id= "0x31" name="cold_deep_ocean" color="0x8b92dd" />
<biome id= "0x32" name="frozen_deep_ocean" color="0x8b92dd" />
<biome id= "0x7F" name="the_void" color="0x0e1c36" />
When I get these errors, I'm not running it on a data file that was generated in experimental mode, so there shouldn't be any experimental content. All the new undersea features (like seagrass) aren't experimental anymore in 1.4. I believe that experimental features would be things like turtles, turtle eggs, scutes, and turtle shells, which are to be released in 1.5 according to the Minecraft Wiki.
Yep the new chunk storage stuff is a bit strange and needs work in mcpe_viz. Basically, the game now stores two sets of data for each cubic chunk -- regular and water (I believe). It's a significant change and I'm still working out how to handle it properly.
Re messages like "ERROR: unknown biome" etc that just means that great new stuff is in the game, but is not in the XML files yet. It should not cause an issue (other than that stuff will not be in the generated images). I'll get to this, but you can work around it as mentioned above.
One thing -- the new aquatic stuff doesn't have an ID so that makes it a bit tough to work with the existing approach in the XML files... I need to ponder this a little bit to figure out the right way forward.
Re messages like "NBT exception: (Invalid tag type: 0) (eof=false) (is=false)" -- those are big old bugs! :) That means that the existing mcpe_viz code did not properly process cubic chunk data. So you'll likely see corrupted chunks in your output image. (This is related to the two sets of data for each chunk)
More soon!
Thank you for the update Plethora let me know if there is any way I can help.
<block id="0xED" name="Concrete Powder" uname="minecraft:concretepowder">
is now
<block id="0xED" name="Concrete Powder" uname="minecraft:concretePowder">
(capital P in Powder)
I got color values use images off the Wiki and
I added in these values, but still get error messages that it cannot find the value:
<block id="0x104" name="Stripped Spruce Log" uname="minecraft:stripped_spruce_log" color="0x696c2d" opaque="0" spawnable="0" />
<block id="0x105" name="Stripped Birch Log" uname="minecraft:stripped_birch_log" color="0x696d2d" opaque="0" spawnable="0" />
<block id="0x106" name="Stripped Jungle Log" uname="minecraft:stripped_jungle_log" color="0x696e2d" opaque="0" spawnable="0" />
<block id="0x107" name="Stripped Acacia Log" uname="minecraft:stripped_acacia_log" color="0x69712c" opaque="0" spawnable="0" />
<block id="0x108" name="Stripped Dark Oak Log" uname="minecraft:stripped_dark_oak_log" color="0x69732c" opaque="0" spawnable="0" />
<block id="0x109" name="Stripped Oak Log" uname="minecraft:stripped_oak_log" color="0x696b2d" opaque="0" spawnable="0" />
<block id="0x181" name="Sea Grass" uname="minecraft:seagrass" color="0x0f2502" opaque="0" spawnable="0" />
<block id="0x182" name="Coral" uname="minecraft:coral" color="0x0e1c40" opaque="0" spawnable="0" />
<block id="0x183" name="Coral Block" uname="minecraft:coral_block" color="0x0e1c40" opaque="0" spawnable="0" />
<block id="0x184" name="Coral Fan" uname="minecraft:coral_fan" color="0x0e1c40" opaque="0" spawnable="0" />
<block id="0x185" name="Dead Coral Fan" uname="minecraft:coral_fan_dead" color="0x282624" opaque="0" spawnable="0" />
<block id="0x186" name="Coral Fan" uname="minecraft:coral_fan_hang" color="0x0e1c40" opaque="0" spawnable="0" />
<block id="0x187" name="Coral Fan" uname="minecraft:coral_fan_hang2" color="0x0e1c40" opaque="0" spawnable="0" />
<block id="0x188" name="Coral Fan" uname="minecraft:coral_fan_hang3" color="0x0e1c40" opaque="0" spawnable="0" />
<block id="0x189" name="Kelp" uname="minecraft:kelp" color="0x233410" opaque="0" spawnable="0" />
<block id="0x190" name="Acacia Trapdoor" uname="minecraft:acacia_trapdoor" color="0x69712c" opaque="0" spawnable="0" />
<block id="0x191" name="Birch Trapdoor" uname="minecraft:birch_trapdoor" color="0x696d2d" opaque="0" spawnable="0" />
<block id="0x192" name="Dark Oak Trapdoor" uname="minecraft:dark_oak_trapdoor" color="0x69732c" opaque="0" spawnable="0" />
<block id="0x193" name="Jungle Trapdoor" uname="minecraft:jungle_trapdoor" color="0x696e2d" opaque="0" spawnable="0" />
<block id="0x194" name="Spruce Trapdoor" uname="minecraft:spruce_trapdoor" color="0x696c2d" opaque="0" spawnable="0" />
<block id="0x195" name="Acacia Pressure Plate" uname="minecraft:acacia_pressure_plate" color="0x69712c" opaque="0" spawnable="0" />
<block id="0x196" name="Birch Pressure Plate" uname="minecraft:birch_pressure_plate" color="0x696d2d" opaque="0" spawnable="0" />
<block id="0x196" name="Dark Oak Pressure Plate" uname="minecraft:dark_oak_pressure_plate" color="0x69732c" opaque="0" spawnable="0" />
<block id="0x196" name="Jungle Pressure Plate" uname="minecraft:jungle_pressure_plate" color="0x696e2d" opaque="0" spawnable="0" />
<block id="0x196" name="Spruce Pressure Plate" uname="minecraft:spruce_pressure_plate" color="0x696c2d" opaque="0" spawnable="0" />
<block id="0x19B" name="Sea Pickle" uname="minecraft:sea_pickle" color="0x060602" opaque="0" spawnable="0" />
Is there something else I need to do other than just add these values to the XML?
Hi, anyone else fond something? I got millions of errors first - then succes rendering an open webapp.
But Still somehow no items are displayed inside chests.
Just pushed an update -- give it a try
Worked better for me with v0.39. I still got a bunch of this:
NBT exception: (Invalid tag type: 0) (eof=false) (is=false)
otherwise, the only other block it couldn't find were (just a small sample):
WARNING: Did not find block variant for block(Stairs, Spruce Wood) with blockdata=13 (0xd) MSG3
WARNING: Did not find block variant for block(Stairs, Spruce Wood) with blockdata=14 (0xe) MSG3
WARNING: Did not find block variant for block(Stairs, Birch Wood) with blockdata=13 (0xd) MSG3
WARNING: Did not find block variant for block(Stairs, Birch Wood) with blockdata=12 (0xc) MSG3
WARNING: Did not find block variant for block(Stairs, Jungle Wood) with blockdata=13 (0xd) MSG3
WARNING: Did not find block variant for block(Stairs, Spruce Wood) with blockdata=12 (0xc) MSG3
WARNING: Did not find block variant for block(Stairs, Birch Wood) with blockdata=8 (0x8) MSG3
WARNING: Did not find block variant for block(Stairs, Birch Wood) with blockdata=12 (0xc) MSG3
WARNING: Did not find block variant for block(Stairs, Spruce Wood) with blockdata=12 (0xc) MSG3
WARNING: Did not find block variant for block(Stairs, Birch Wood) with blockdata=9 (0x9) MSG3
WARNING: Did not find block variant for block(Stairs, Spruce Wood) with blockdata=14 (0xe) MSG3
WARNING: Did not find block variant for block(Stairs, Birch Wood) with blockdata=13 (0xd) MSG3
They were all wood stairs related.
But the world rendered better. There were places where the block was "pink" and it said UNKNOWN BLOCK, but it defiantly worked better.
I updated to 0.40 and the results were the same.
I ran it on a more updated world and got a lot more error messages (not a complete or unique complete list):
WARNING: Did not find uname 'minecraft:cobblestone' (item parse)
WARNING: Did not find uname 'minecraft:torch' (item parse)
WARNING: Did not find uname 'minecraft:cobblestone' (item parse)
WARNING: Did not find uname 'minecraft:cobblestone' (item parse)
WARNING: Did not find uname 'minecraft:crafting_table' (item parse)
WARNING: Did not find uname 'minecraft:sapling' (item parse)
WARNING: Did not find uname 'minecraft:log' (item parse)
WARNING: Did not find uname 'minecraft:sandstone' (item parse)
WARNING: Did not find uname 'minecraft:golden_sword' (item parse)
WARNING: Did not find uname 'minecraft:crafting_table' (item parse)
WARNING: Did not find uname 'minecraft:cobblestone' (item parse)
WARNING: Did not find uname 'minecraft:sandstone' (item parse)
WARNING: Did not find uname 'minecraft:fence' (item parse)
WARNING: Did not find uname 'minecraft:sand' (item parse)
WARNING: Did not find uname 'minecraft:cactus' (item parse)
WARNING: Did not find uname 'minecraft:sand' (item parse)
WARNING: Did not find uname 'minecraft:wool' (item parse)
WARNING: Did not find uname 'minecraft:pumpkin' (item parse)
WARNING: Did not find uname 'minecraft:planks' (item parse)
WARNING: Did not find block variant for block(Purpur) with blockdata=3 (0x3) MSG3
I'm not sure if it's helpful, but the output of the world is visible at: MECU - Stronghold
I think this may be fixed by the new versions lately. I'm going to close this. Please feel free to open a new one if it's still a problem.
I don't know if I should put this on this thread, but I can't run it on my world because I get WARNING: Found chunk palette id out of range X <size=0>
(X varies, but is usually 0) on the log file until I run out of space on my computer. (Seriously, gigabytes of error messages.)
Interesting... Can you zip your world and send me a link? What version of MCPE are you running?
Here's a .mcworld, link set to expire in a day:!ArtiWworSHAfgrxtKtAy32VZInJ7oQ
I'm using the latest release,
This has been an issue for a while, from the aquatic update iirc. I've been able to use this application before that.
I'm on the latest version (v0.45).
INFO: Unmapped remote player: 14e725b7-2053-3056-bc21-f37929c4964b
INFO: Unmapped remote player: 2d5ad3e7-e77b-3887-a3c0-0809c118f9b2
INFO: Unmapped remote player: 300855d0-7ec8-3ef1-ad10-8e0a1187a140
INFO: Unmapped remote player: 431a493b-34ee-3541-ab09-f4fe918df423
INFO: Unmapped remote player: 91e33231-7799-3083-8f5d-55404561e686
INFO: Unmapped remote player: 941872a9-c443-3e3a-89a2-58a7169ccf25
INFO: Unmapped remote player: b33ddf97-cd69-3c72-88e3-ea77bba01e46
INFO: Unmapped remote player: c159e5d9-1299-3724-a14a-da53f4da7dcb
INFO: Unmapped remote player: server_25545cb4-935a-425a-8c47-6238ff4fc263
INFO: Unmapped remote player: server_4a3b225c-1284-4ba7-8fff-87174f33ca00
INFO: Unmapped remote player: server_6eb550a1-fb41-441d-8085-7d93fc90003e
INFO: Unmapped remote player: server_76f5ed8c-866f-427c-a1a9-7de19fc7e6f4
INFO: Unmapped remote player: server_da3df8eb-0593-4723-8d2c-97e6c3bdb511
INFO: Unmapped remote player: server_dc1e36c3-8806-4567-ade9-a4e3679d803f
WARNING: Did not find block variant for block (id=201 (0xc9) 'Purpur') with blockdata=3 (0x3) MSG1
ERROR: Invalid blockid=-127 (cubicy=1) (2 11 20)
ERROR: Invalid blockid=-81 (cubicy=4) (6 3 68)
ERROR: Invalid blockid=-95 (cubicy=5) (1 15 82)
ERROR: Invalid blockid=-94 (cubicy=4) (2 8 78)
ERROR: Invalid blockid=-103 (cubicy=4) (3 14 70)
ERROR: Invalid blockid=-43 (cubicy=1) (2 5 20)
cubicy is 0-7
The three numbers at the end vary
I'm not getting any error messages now, just this warning:
WARNING: Did not find block variant for block (id=201 (0xc9) 'Purpur') with blockdata=3 (0x3) MSG1
Thanks for all your work!
Just pushed an update that should fix this
on 0.48 and got nearly the same message:
WARNING: Did not find block variant for block (id=201 (0xc9) 'Purpur') with blockdata=3 (0x3) MSG3
@MECU That message just means that the XML file is not up to date. If mcpe_viz ran completed successfully, that's a good thing :)
I'm no longer getting infinite error messages on my world. Web app seems to work correctly. Thanks for the fix!