
Time lag in BK ultrasound image stream

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Hi all,

I am using plus toolkit to read out the ultrasound data of the BK5000 ultrasound machine. Now we have a new BK system with new software, on which reading out the data does not work very well. When setting 'ContinuousStreamingEnabled' as TRUE, connection of plus with the BK system works. However, when streaming the US image in 3D Slicer using openIGTLink, the framerate significantly drops over time and a time lag arises. I added a plus log file of this issue here:


I use plus version 2.8 and also tried to change several variables without succes, such as the AcquisitionRate, BufferSize and AveragedItemsForFiltering.

Some other findings:

  • When setting 'ContinuousStreamingEnabled' as FALSE, there is no problem. However it would be nicer to stream the US image only instead of the full BK screen with text.
  • When using plus version 2.5, (and 'ContinuousStreamingEnabled' TRUE), there is no lag problem as well. However, in that version I cannot read out other image metadata that I need, such as the pixel spacing and origin.

Do you have any idea where this problem comes from?
Thanks a lot!