
No Deadlines submissions

Closed this issue · 3 comments

I have been using BlagoMiner (@JohnnyFFM Fork) and all seems to work fine. However, when using Scavenger I even get messages as "accepted DL" but if I check my pool, there are no new Deadlines at all.

My config looks like this:

  - 'g:\'
url: 'http://0-100-pool.burst.cryptoguru.org:8124'

hdd_reader_thread_count: 1            # default 0 (=number of disks)
hdd_use_direct_io: true               # default true
hdd_wakeup_after: 240                 # default 240s

cpu_worker_thread_count: 1            # default 4 (0=GPU only)
cpu_nonces_per_cache: 65536           # default 65536
cpu_thread_pinning: false             # default false

gpu_platform: 0                       # default 0
gpu_device: 0                         # default 0
gpu_worker_thread_count: 0            # default 0 (=CPU only)
gpu_nonces_per_cache: 262144          # default 262144
gpu_mem_mapping: false                # default false

target_deadline: 57289751           # default u32::MAX

get_mining_info_interval: 3000        # default 3000ms
timeout: 5000                         # default 5000ms
send_proxy_details: true              # default false

console_log_level: 'info'             # default Info, options (off, error, warn, info, debug, trace)
logfile_log_level: 'warn'             # default Warn, options (off, error, warn, info, debug, trace)
logfile_max_count: 10                 # maximum number of log files to keep
logfile_max_size : 20                 # maximum size per logfile in MiB

show_progress: true                   # default true  
show_drive_stats: false               # default false 
benchmark_only: 'disabled'            # default disabled, options (disabled, I/O, XPU)

multi_chain: false                    # enable multi-chain mining
maximum_fork_difference: 1440         # maximum block-height difference to last block
minimum_block_height: 500000          # don't work blocks lower than this height

console_log_pattern: "{({d(%H:%M:%S)} [{l}]):16.16} {m}{n}"
logfile_log_pattern: "{({d(%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S)} [{l}]):26.26} {m}{n}"

It's any kind of bug or I am doing something wrong?

Actually used on Windows 10, but I also tested it on Ubuntu 18.04 and some of it's flavors.

Your config looks fine. To further look into this, i would need to have a screenshot of an accepted DL. We can than check on pool side as well. You can also send this via E-Mail or check with us on cryptoguru discord.



I switched to BurstNeon pool to see for differences between pools and I found that Scavenger it's also submitting to the pool and it's correctly displayed on the pool "Account Monitor".

What I find weird now it's I have 5 TB plotted but Scavenger only "scavenge" 1.25 GB, is that normal?

Perfect. Yes, this is normal. Every run you scan 1/4096 of your size.