- 2
cant run trade macro
#1114 opened by Hyhollow - 4
Custom Macros being executed on startup
#1127 opened by Basoeckn - 17
Trade macro extremely slow, results in timeouts and script hangup upon ID rares. (pic included)
#1125 opened by Cyanyx - 4
Please use Windows /temp folders for temporary files - move them out of /Documents
#1136 opened by dsnvwlmnt - 1
- 1
It loads and says it is running but nothing works
#1134 opened by noahjames57 - 1
PoE-Trade Macro CM_ExecuteCustomMacrosCode_Label Error.
#1137 opened by EbenZand - 1
CTRL+C popup conflicts with other tools
#1138 opened by simonflick - 1
It did bring up my chrome and checked all of browser tabs i hope it's not malicious
#1139 opened by TeknolojiGezgini - 9
Ctrl + C Hardcoded rates
#1110 opened by Jukeboxor - 5
Won't load
#1123 opened by KageSama19 - 1
poe trade macro ctrl+alt+d advancer research doesn't show corrupted implicit
#1117 opened by sapfiron - 0
- 1
Alt+D opens a new window out of the game
#1131 opened by Needhelppp - 2
Keybindings Conflict, Macro Doesn't Start
#1132 opened by Terminus42 - 0
Poe macro dont lauchn ( error at line 15497)
#1130 opened by GOUGOU17 - 0
ItemInfo Error -
#1129 opened by GiurlaniDev - 1
Change search platform
#1121 opened by BlackSTaP - 0
Wrong League
#1128 opened by zx200x - 0
- 0
Lab Enchants not showing in price checks
#1126 opened by MortuusVir - 2
- 0
Temple belt cant be priced.
#1124 opened by leet0rz - 1
Trademacro will not work
#1122 opened by laici - 0
getting error 15376
#1120 opened by Tuutsi - 1
ahk wont run the trade macro.
#1118 opened by barlah - 0
- 1
PoE-ItemInfo - Error
#1091 opened by Apatiska - 1
Min / Max values are incorrect
#1113 opened by joe7dust - 0
- 10
Says server is down when it isn't?
#1109 opened by RenoxDashin - 0
Script unable to find pricing...
#1111 opened by storxusmc - 1
something is very wrong with this script...
#1090 opened by fislysandi - 10
Price Prediction on rare items dont work
#1107 opened - 2
Fresh win 10 nothing is working
#1108 opened by Sidruun - 0
Poeapp shortcut issue
#1106 opened by profucius - 0
Run_TradeMacro.Ahk dissapearing
#1104 opened by combicx - 0
This window isn't correct.
#1105 opened by Phastion - 1
Poe trade macro stuck at initializing screen
#1103 opened by Nokiles - 2
Your curl version
#1099 opened by Lemmibl - 0
- 0
Ghetto Map is Lady Stormflay, not Hephaeus/Argus
#1101 opened by dsnvwlmnt - 10
Alt+D Lagging
#1093 opened by gustavopaco - 0
Is it Ctrl+C or Alt+C?
#1098 opened by no-simpler - 1
Iteminfo issue
#1097 opened by Messinae - 1
Wrong stats on pricecheck
#1096 opened by NeroMorto - 2
Script can't find the file in Temp folder
#1095 opened by kylehere123 - 0
Windows lagged on downloading latest data
#1089 opened by Stainlless - 0
(Feature) Unique Item Ctrl+D Auto Include all Mods for accurate Price Check
#1088 opened by ProstheticAIM - 0
Wrong pseudo maximum life calculation
#1087 opened by michaelschufi