convert socket to ZeroMQ REQ/REP
daveajones opened this issue · 1 comments
daveajones commented
@brianoflondon are you going to do this work on the python side? Once that side is done I'll convert the rust side over.
brianoflondon commented
I can give it a go. I put in a very very simple socket thing earlier today for hive-watcher and got it working with an even simpler listening program.
I guess I can take a look at hive-writer again.
Try to explain a little bit better what you want it to do or should I just have it doing the same as now but with this zeroMQ library?
#----- A simple TCP based server program in Python using send() function -----
import socket
# Create a stream based socket(i.e, a TCP socket)
# operating on IPv4 addressing scheme
serverSocket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM);
# Bind and listen
# Accept connections
(clientConnected, clientAddress) = serverSocket.accept();
print("Accepted a connection request from %s:%s"%(clientAddress[0], clientAddress[1]));
dataFromClient = clientConnected.recv(1024)