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Hi! Hope it's ok I'm reaching out here—love what you're building with Lit (one of our partners) and would love to collab. I'm founder of JokeRace, which enables community decision-making through contests where people can enter submissions and vote on their favorites. Would love to see it being used for communities on POWDone to set goals, and I'm including a full blurb about us below if it's helpful to read more. You can always reach out to me directly on telegram at @DavidPhelps or our twitter at @jokerace_xyz

JokeRace is the contest platform for communities to make, execute, and reward decisions by deploying a contest on any EVM chain. Contests enable communities to submit responses to a prompt and voters to vote on their favorites—and for anyone to win rewards if they win.

Use cases include hackathons, grants, governance, bounties, elections, awards ceremonies, prediction games, protocol feature requests, amendments, etc. Our completely redesigned v3 replaces token-voting with on-chain allowlists to let communities of any size customize who can submit, who can vote, and how much voting power they have.

Above all, JokeRace has been leveraged by companies like Arbitrum, Gitcoin, Mantle, Aragon, Dune and Li.Fi for organic marketing, with contests that incentivize users to use their products, share data on their priorities, campaign publicly to win, complete actions to be allowlisted and earn votes, and develop on-chain reputation about their own value to companies. In that sense, it's the first platform to enable web3-native, user-generated marketing for web3 companies to grow and track their communities.