Moodle 4.4 questionnaire export answers to csv - Missing '[dirroot]/lib/dataformatlib.php'
mishomvp opened this issue · 6 comments
When I try to download the questionnaire answers in csv format.
Exception - Failed opening required '[dirroot]/lib/dataformatlib.php' (include_path='[dirroot]/lib/pear:.:').
It seems that in the new version 4.4 this file is missing.
Hi, I think it is possible that you can provisionally solve the problem by commenting lines 95 and 488 of report.php inside /mod/questionaire/ In my case, it works.
// $questionnaire->canviewallgroups = has_capability('moodle/site:accessallgroups', $context);
// require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/lib/dataformatlib.php');
Hi :)
Thanks! It works!
@aguatacuperche I confirm that the hack of commenting out 2 lines does work. But a fix should be provided by @mchurchward
Re removing line 95 of report.php
, I think this is a separate issue affecting Moodle with PHP >= 8.2 which is fixed in b06947c.
A "me too". Is a fixed version likely soon?
This has been fixed and merged.