
[Bug] Grass appears more dull in the latest update

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Hiya, I noticed that in the latest update grass appears duller in the latest update, being very noticable in the forest biome. I don't know if this was intentional, but it is now inaccurate to grass in beta proper. This might also be effecting foliage in general, so trees and stuff but I haven't looked at that hard enough. Hope I'm not being a bother with this!

Mod Loader: Fabric
Minecraft Version: 1.20.1
Are you using OptiFine?: No
What other mods are you using?: Nostalgic Tweaks

And here's an image showing the difference, all taken within a forest biome:

This was an unintended change. I attempted to smooth out my colormaps to make the pack more compatible with Modern Beta but it seems the Forest was picking from an area I blurred. I will address this soon.

Thank you!