
Can I fetch individual objects from the point cloud using this?

ayaan-mphasis opened this issue · 8 comments

Can I fetch individual objects from the point cloud using this?

I'm sorry I didn't understand your question. How do you want to fetch individual objects?

I want to have the coordinates of the segmented objects to possibly get a bounding box around them and get their semantic meaning.

With SAM3D, you can obtain the group_id for every point in a scene, as well as the coordinates in the original data. You may calculate the coordinates(max, min or mean) for each group.

Okay thanks! Another small query, the group_id represents a label or class in ScanNet dataset right?

Group_id just represents the group only, without any semantic information.

Any way you know of to get the semantic meaning in the point clouds?

Any way you know of to get the semantic meaning in the point clouds?

Would likely need to integrate something like this: https://github.com/IDEA-Research/Grounded-Segment-Anything

@yhyang-myron For example I want to get the coordinates of a chair in point cloud, is there anyway that might be possible?