
Alternative file structure

neverendingqs opened this issue · 3 comments

To support migrating PokeAPI to static files, the file structure will have to change from

|- api/
|    |- v2/
|    |    |- language/
|    |    |    |- 1/
|    |    |    |    |- index.json


|- api/
|    |- v2/
|    |    |- language/
|    |    |    |- 1
|    |    |    | ...
|    |    |- language

, where each sub-directory also has a file of the same name, and all index.json instances are removed.

It can be either a complete change or a flag if we don't want to change how ditto serve works.

This suggestion would actually break API requests with a trailing slash. We can just keep the existing structure and configure the http server to treat index.json as the default index file for a directory.

Hmm okay. Let me create another issue that lists out our options.

The succession to this ticket is now at: PokeAPI/pokeapi#356