
Availability of named resources (for current hosting)

Closed this issue ยท 14 comments

This issue is to consolidate updates for the current outage of named resources (eg. /pokemon/bulbasaur) into one place.

See also #374 for work on getting named resources working when we move to Netlify.


This archive contains all the static files we need for current hosting. It contains the api-data files processed to include the base url and named resources.

Background on resolution to this issue in PokeAPI/ditto#33
It has been solved in the upstream (i.e. ditto).


Thanks @sargunv - I didn't realise that api-data didn't need to be updated in order to get the changes on our current hosting.

I'll be able to deploy that shortly but feel free to do it yourself if you can!

@Naramsim is now sorting this out live.

https://pokeapi.co/api/v2/pokemon/charmander/ - doesn't seem to work for pokemon, unless I am maybe using the api wrong?

On my side it is fine

It's working for me in Chrome at least. How are you making the request?

It didn't work for me, then a minute later it did.

strange, I get a 500

Oh, it's working now - a moment before it didn't!
Must've been temporary caching issues.

Oh, hmm yeah it's back up. Yay? Haha, good job guys!

Ok, so named resources are mostly back up, except for encounters, which get a 404.
eg. https://pokeapi.co/api/v2/pokemon/magikarp/encounters/

PokeAPI/ditto#33 has been re-opened to add this feature to the upstream, when that's done, we can redeploy.