Dachsbun, Tinkatink, & Tinkaton have wrong sprites
jack-skinner-552 opened this issue · 1 comments
Dachsbun, Tinkatink, Tinkatuff, & Tinkaton's sprites are for other Pokemon.
The correct sprites can be found in the links below:
I've done API calls to the pokemon above, and I see the id's are incorrect, which is probably why they are calling to incorrect sprite id's
The correct id's for the pokemon should be the following:
Dachsbun: #927
Tinkatink: #957
Tinkatuff: #958
Tinkaton: #959
Looks like a lot of other Pokemon form Generation 9 have incorrect ids in their API responses. See the following issue
I can confirm that there is incorrect data affecting generation 9 as a whole. Some point within the last 2 weeks, something has changed and needs to be reverted to the last working version ASAP. The last check I did where everything worked as intended was March 23.