
list index out of range

tokar86a opened this issue · 3 comments

Expected Behavior

That it should start the next bot

Actual Behavior

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Python27\lib\threading.py", line 801, in __bootstrap_inner
File "MultiBot.py", line 248, in run
self.Account = Manager.GetAccount()
File "MultiBot.py", line 78, in GetAccount
AccountTemp = self.Accounts[0]
IndexError: list index out of range

Your FULL config.json (remove your username, password, gmapkey and any other private info)

Output when issue occurred

(16564) wsgi starting up on
[2017-10-22 14:19:09] [SleepSchedule] [INFO] Sleeping for 03:19:23, wake at 17:38:32
2017-10-22 14:19:16 Thread-1 using account
2017-10-22 14:19:16 1Z9G8C5Y2K is valid
2017-10-22 14:19:17,763 [ cli] [INFO] PokemonGO Bot v1.0
2017-10-22 14:19:17,770 [ cli] [INFO] commit: unknown
2017-10-22 14:19:17,776 [ cli] [INFO] Configuration initialized
2017-10-22 14:19:17,776 [pokemongo_bot.health_record.bot_event] [INFO] Health check is enabled. For more information:
2017-10-22 14:19:17,776 [pokemongo_bot.health_record.bot_event] [INFO] https://github.com/PokemonGoF/PokemonGo-Bot/tree/dev#analytics
2017-10-22 14:19:17,780 [requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool] [INFO] Starting new HTTP connection (1): www.google-analytics.com
Message: Bot is now compatible with 0.79.3 API. Please refer to documenations on how to do an update. There are noted issues with the current API and subsequent bans and warnings may very well be issued and you take the risk into your own hands if you follow through.
Do you wish to continue? Y/N
(13944) wsgi starting up on
[2017-10-22 14:19:19] [SleepSchedule] [INFO] Sleeping for 03:18:38, wake at 17:37:57
Exception in thread Thread-3:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Python27\lib\threading.py", line 801, in __bootstrap_inner
File "MultiBot.py", line 248, in run
self.Account = Manager.GetAccount()
File "MultiBot.py", line 78, in GetAccount
AccountTemp = self.Accounts[0]
IndexError: list index out of range

Steps to Reproduce

Other Information

OS: Windows 10

Branch: dev

Git Commit:

Python Version: 2.7.14

Any other relevant files/configs (eg: path files)

Short Description

Possible solution

How it would help others

Seems to be happen when i running more then 2 threads

How many accounts do you have in the accounts.txt?
And are there any extra space or unusable characters?
the multibot account txt should be working with username:password formula
(i have tested with the latest build with 5 threads and it is working, until i put there more than 5 valid accounts.)

I have 5 account in the file and i use the formula that you are talking about. No it dont seems like i have any extra space or something like that. What can be the problem then @rakuuhwa ?