JSON Serialization Error when Filter is Only Pokémon Name
Closed this issue · 8 comments
When I try to get a card using GetApiResourceAsync<PokemonCard>(filter);
and my filter is PokemonFilterBuilder.CreatePokemonFilter().AddName('charizard');
I get the following error:
Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializationException: 'Error converting value {null} to type 'System.Double'. Path 'data[61].tcgplayer.prices.reverseHolofoil.market', line 1, position 122786.'
I am getting this exact same error. It's weird because it worked for me last night, but this morning it is not working. Maybe a caching issue?
I will look to get fix out over the weekend
any luck? @jaymarvels
It seems like the nuget package is the issue since bypassing it seems to resolve the issue. Does it need to be rebuilt and deployed maybe?
@rarDevelopment I think @ahostetter is correct.
I have just added a new unit test to the codebase:
public async Task GetPokemonByName_ExtensionFilters_ApiResourceAsync()
// assemble
var httpclient = new HttpClient();
var pokeClient = new PokemonApiClient(httpclient);
var filter = PokemonFilterBuilder.CreatePokemonFilter().AddName("charizard");
// act
var page = await pokeClient.GetApiResourceAsync<PokemonCard>(filter);
// assert
Assert.That(page.Results, Is.Not.Empty);
Assert.That(page.Results.Any(x => x.Name == "Charizard"));
And we get no error so suspect as Adam mentioned there is something wrong with the current package, I will look to rebuild and get it over to nuget
@rarDevelopment @ahostetter release is out, let me know if everyone is happy and can close
My testing confirms that the new nuget package 2.4.2 is working. I tested with Charizard and Snorlax which were not working before.
Looks like I'm good too! I tested my application with Charizard and it seems to be working.