
1.0.14 has breaking changes, but is versioned as a patch

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1.0.14 changes the window object name from DocumentHandler to DocumentViewer.

readme #28
code that changed #26

But it is only versioned as a patch upgrade from 1.0.13 semver, meaning everyone that did a default install of this plugin, when reinstalling, got the 1.0.14 update, with the breaking changes.

I dont know if the change was intentional, as the plugin.xml still references DocumentHandler

<js-module src="www/DocumentHandler.js" name="DocumentHandler"> <clobbers target="DocumentHandler" /> </js-module>

This actually fooled me as window.DocumentHandler still exists, when trying to debug this.

My recommendation would be to remove 1.0.14.
Then if the codechanges really are needed, create a 1.0.15 which uses window.DocumentHandler or republish 1.0.14 as 2.0.0, so the plugin follows semver.