
Nothing happened when tried to use the plug-in with local PDF files.

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nbaua commented


Sorry, this is not actually pulg-ins issue, may be what I require is a way to use the plug-in as

<gap:plugin name="polarcape.cordova.plugin.document.handlerOR_THE_ACTUAL_NAME" version="SOMEVERSION" />

I followed the steps mentioned and created a test view with sample PDF files on device (SD Card)
I have the <gap:plugin name="org.apache.cordova.file" version="1.3.1" /> included in application's config.xml with couple of other plug-ins which depend on cordova.js.

Those things work as intended but the Document handler, what I see is a white blank view nothing happens. Tried with DxButton to load it in another view but same thing. What am I doing wrong?

May I request you to provide the gap build/version number or a way to use it in my Hybrid mobile app.
(FYI I am trying to use it with DevExtreme 15.2 - MVVM- KnockOut Approch)

Thank you guys.