
Add support for Celery 3.1

laurentguilbert opened this issue · 12 comments

AppCase was moved from celery.tests.utils to celery.tests.case.

eager_tasks is also nowhere to be found.

Since django is supported out of the box in 3.1 it's a bit tricky to handle I think. Maybe with another test project ?

I also tried running tests on Celery 3.0 but the CELERY_CACHE_BACKEND = 'memory' is unrecognized so I used CELERY_CACHE_BACKEND = 'locmem://' instead.

Then I encontered one failed test: test_sanity (jobtastic.tests.test_broker_fallbacks.BrokenBrokerTestCase).

Maybe my environement isn't properly set up though...

Hi Laurent,

Thanks for the report and the research. I just pushed 2e127ef to fix the test utility incompatibility.

Since django is supported out of the box in 3.1 it's a bit tricky to handle I think. Maybe with another test project ?

I'm trying to figure out what's going on right now. I'm hoping to avoid that, but we'll see.


I'm trying to get this figured out and I'm a bit stumped. I can't figure out how to make the tasks run eagerly in the test case, and there's also a weird kombu-related error that seems to be within the library itself. I also spent a bit more time figuring out how to even run a task class (versus a function), and I'm more confused now than when I started.

For now, I'm going to modify the requirements to make it clear that Celery 3.1 isn't supported. Hopefully someone (maybe future me) can figure out what's needed to support Celery 3.1 in a backwards-compatible manner.


Please can you explain which bits of functionality won't work under Celery 3.1? I need to add Celery to my Django 1.6.1 app, and I'd like to use Celery 3.1 if possible. I'm happy to fix problems that affect me and submit PRs.

The same here, any progress in adding support for Celery==3.1?

I'd be interested too =).

Please can you explain which bits of functionality won't work under Celery 3.1?

I'm not currently sure. A good start would be to install Celery 3.1 and then run the test cases.


#46 added tox environments to test against all of the combinations of Django 1.6, Django 1.7, Celery 3.0 and Celery 3.1. That should make adding/testing support for newer Celery a bit easier.


Butting my head up against some problems that I think might be related.

Celery 3.1 tests are all passing. Is this issue fixed, or are people still having problems with 3.1?

I'm going to close this as fixed, but if anyone has any Celery 3.1 problems, please let us know!