
hostnames in MPD_HOST aren't supported

Closed this issue · 2 comments

I've got MPD_HOST set to mediaserver.local. When I try to do anything with blissify it just prints Error: No such file or directory (os error 2). Setting MPD_PORT, or putting a port on the end of MPD_HOST doesn't help. I have to put an IP address in MPD_HOST. mpc, ncmpcpp and python-mpd2 etc all work fine with a hostname.

You might be able to use https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/net/trait.ToSocketAddrs.html to help parse an ip-address-or-socket-but-not-a-unix-socket. Although it seems like that requires a port on the end too, which shouldn't be required for MPD_HOST. Maybe add MPD_PORT on the end if there is no ':' in the string?

nit: also the error message could be better too, took me while to figure out what it was referring to (I couldn't even see a relevant call in strace)


Thanks for reporting :) it should definitely support proper hostnames. I made a fix, could you checkout mpd-host-actual-hostname-support and tell me if it fixes your problem?
If it does, I'll merge and bump the blissify version.

should be merged and published. Closing, but please reopen if it pops up again :)