
Travis CI automatic releases

Polpetta opened this issue · 2 comments

Ok, so after #15 we have now .debs and .rpms. Although we don't have a really working version yet, we can push our binaries in the Github releases section via Travis CI (https://docs.travis-ci.com/user/deployment/releases#uploading-multiple-files)

This will enable us to have binaries automatically published once we push a new git tag! In this way if people want to try it out without messing with package repositories they can easily.

Finally, we need to check out this bot https://github.com/apps/release-drafter that draft releases for us while we merge PRs (it automatically creates changelogs and stuff), in particular we need to check if it works with Travis release deployment!

Now we need to check the adoption of release-drafter. IMHO we could move this choice to another issue and close this

Ok boss! See #26 😉