
Project status?

Opened this issue · 5 comments

Hi! Thanks for developing this plugin. I was wondering what its status is, since I don't see new commits since 2 years. Would you still be interested in maintaining this, or should I create my own fork? Or is there another way to use podman in Packer these days, of which I am not aware? Thanks!

gardar commented

This plugin being a derivative of the Docker one puts us in a bit of a spot. For certain features, the Docker plugin is more up-to-date, but for others, this one has the edge. It's a bit of a mixed bag depending on what you need.

I think there's room for a plugin that's built from the ground up for Buildah, Skopeo, etc. Or perhaps this plugin could evolve in that direction?

Just throwing some ideas out there!

Hey @dometto, @gardar

Regarding this project, I used to maintain it in my previous job, where I needed packer and podman to work together. Now I've changed job and without having the necessity to use these two technologies I kinda forgot about this project, and some times I check if there are new dependencies to update that are minor changes.

I'll gladly accept new contributors and maintainers. If you wanna, I can set you as such. Let me know!

I'll gladly accept new contributors and maintainers. If you wanna, I can set you as such. Let me know!

Thanks for the offer! I can give it a go if don't see yourself having the time to review PR's but I'm equally fine with submitting PR's which you will eventually review even if there are some delays.

Likewise thanks for the offer! Since I need podman/packer integration for work I'd be happy to be a co-maintainer on this repo, but in practice I'll only have time to work on this from march onwards :)

I've added you both as collaborators - feel free to improve the codebase, answer to topics/PR/issues and merge if you need necessary. I ask you only to avoid pushing directly to the main branch, but pass through pull requests first so that it is easy to track what's being changed.

There should be tags like minor, major and patch, in order to properly tag the scope of the change and, iirc, to let release-bot generate a proper changelog. Other than that, the project is pretty much barebone, so feel free to improve it!

If you feel like, we could also create some matrix channel to have discussions about topics and possible ideas, even if the project is quite simple 😊