
Extended Frame ID

Opened this issue · 1 comments


I have the idea that the conversion with extended frames goes wrong.
I have a DBC file which contains an extended ID (‭0x18EF20FF‬). When I read the DBC file myself, I see the value ‭2565808383‬, which is the same as 98EF20FF in hex. When I convert the DBC file to DBF using busmaster, I get the right ID in decimal, in this case ‭418324735‬.
I tried using canmatrix to convert the DBC to JSON and it also gives me the right ID in decimal.
Could you fix that?

Hi @FPSUsername,

Thank you for the report.
I could be wrong but I didn't find anything that tells that an extended frame identifier must be read differently than a normal one, so if you see 2565808383‬ in the DBC file it seems valid to get 0x98EF20FF as a result.
Nonetheless I will be happy to fix this if you can give me informations on how extended frame identifier in DBC file must be read.